A phone showing the TikTok logo being held in a hand against a dark background.

TikTok US shutdown: Chinese not too bothered

The owners of TikTok are not concerned about the termination of access to the app in the US. Chinese intelligence know all they need to know about US citizens.

What can the Chinese discover about the US from TikTok? That most are mildly vacuous with an obsession for videos of cats and kittens being cute? They have also learnt the latest style trends and that they will do ridiculously dumb things to create ‘fun’ content.

Other gems include amazement at their ability to carry out basic tasks such as cleaning their ears, and working out the difference between their arses and their elbows, new super foods, tattoo trends and general banality.

Chinese intelligence is actually stunned that the US is able to function with people as limited as TikTok users.

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Karsic Karl

From Bristol I have a particular interest in gaming, pizza and energy drinks. Keeping up to date with technology and the dystopian invasion of the internet of things and subscriotion based basic services.

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