Dense sky full of meteor-like lights trailing across the night sky. The debris from the explosion of the SpaceX space craft.

SpaceX awarded 7 out of 10 by judges

The display that SpaceX put on earlier today has been awarded 7 out of 10 by an international panel of judges. While it was impressive in scale it lacked in other aspects.

The judges from the Federation of Aerial Recreation and Tentertainment were impressed with the scale of the SpaceX display. Visible from locations over hundreds of miles, the high altitude pyrotechnics put the SpaceX display in contention for display of the year.

Judges have warned that while it was spectacular in scale, it lacked dynamism and colour variation. It is likely that displays such as the Sydney Harbour will score higher.

Sydney harbour firework display. Multiple impressive large fireworks reflected in the water of Sydney harbour.

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Karsic Karl

From Bristol I have a particular interest in gaming, pizza and energy drinks. Keeping up to date with technology and the dystopian invasion of the internet of things and subscriotion based basic services.

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