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- Free speech evangelist upset by hurty wordsTruss is upset that Starmer has said some hurty things about her trashing the economy. She has sent him a cease and desist letter. Letters to all the financial institutions next for being leftists? ~KK
- Badenoch waiting on Musk for next outrage targetBadenoch now taking her cues from Musk on what to be outraged about. Not normally one to hold back on being angry about anything, she is eager to please Musk. ~PB
- GB News meltdown over Sadiq Khan honourSadiq Khan, Mayor of London, received a knighthood in the New Year’s honours. GB News and the rest of the gammon munching moanerati went into angergasms. ~ET
- Farage totally lostNot only is man-of-the-people Farage struggling to find Clacton, but he can not find the working people he claims to support. ~ET
- Badenoch; one angry womanThe opposition leader loves nothing more than being angry. Bereft of her normal parliamentary ranting ground, she has taken to the streets. ~ET
- Shares for iron lung and leg caliper companies soarWith Robert F*ckwit Kennedy Jnr behind petitioning the FDA to revoke approval for the Polio vaccine he is on course to Make Polio Great Again. ~KK
- Musk has a free pass to f*ck up this planet to reach MarsElmo is pretty pleased that Trump has announced that billionaires and their companies will be exempt from complying with environmental protection regulations. So now he can pollute as much as he likes. Yay! ~KK
- Assad announces he is doing fine but hoping for somewhere warmerThe former Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is enjoying Moscow, but it’s cold. He talks of a possible career change. He was never comfortable with politics. ~ET