Following the release of video of Charlotte Dujardin severely whipping a horse, other horses have complained about being attacked and want protection. “It’s never us who get the medals yet we do all the hard work”
Hello my lovelies. If like me you were horrified to see Charlotte Dujardin whipping her horse so severely, you will sympathise with what our hoof babies are saying. While it was very bad form for the lass who exposed it to involve the grubby hacks of the media, it did need raising. A firmly worded letter to the editor of Dressage Monthly would have been more appropriate.
“It’s never us who get the medals yet we do all the hard work”
Whipping a lovely horse like that is entirely inappropriate. It’s not like they are staff. They are sensitive and beautiful creatures. Now more horses are complaining. Ned Longface of National Union of Dressage Equus’s (NUDE) commented, “Doing dressage is humiliating enough. Prancing around in a stupid way with a prick on your back is demeaning enough. To then be whipped by that prick is too much”.
They are demanding body armour that not only protects them, but hides their identity so they don’t get recognised and mocked for taking part in the stupid activity. Another commented, “It’s never us who get the medals yet we do all the hard work”.