screen shot of an article in the Country Squire magazine by ignorant bellend Paul T Hogan, with the text "Why the public can no longer trust BBC news"

Horgan angry at BBC because of his confusion over a woman’s gender

In a confused diatribe a Country Squire contributor can not trust BBC News because the woman in a news report about a murder is a woman. Does he need news reports explaining to him?

Everybody is familiar with people of all stripes fabricating facts to justify why they are being annoyed. Paul Horgan takes this auto-triggering in a whole new direction.

In his confused ramble he is focussed on a BBC news report of a tragic murder. He is not bothered about the tragedy, just how the report affected him. The headline, shown below, clearly states “Woman charged with man’s Christmas Day murder “. Well that seems simple and obvious, but not in the mind of a right wingnut.

The next paragraphs of the news report include, “A woman has been charged…”, and “Kirsty Carless, 33, has been charged…”.

Anyone confused about the gender of the murderess? How about, anyone NORMAL confused about the gender of the murderess? Horgan was confused.

All the other news reports relating to this crime carry the same information, but it is only the BBC that has triggered poor Horgan. The Independent, The Mirror, Daily Mail, Sky News, The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Sun, Birmingham Live, GB News and every other news outet that carried the story had exactly the same information. But sure, the BBC can’t be trusted based on this news story.

Horgan then feels the need to embarrass himself by trotting out his primary school level of sex education knowledge, because it seems to be a thing among people who don’t know much…

To expand, I mean a person with XX chromosomes, who is born with a vagina and uterus, who will develop breasts in their teens, which will naturally lactate after a childbirth of which they are inherently capable. A person who naturally generates oestrogen.

There is a trend amongst right wingnuts, not believing that women are… women. Do they really want the world to pander to their weirdness? Do news reports need to include copies of people’s birth certificates and DNA tests to satisfy their nasty little minds? What they are really after is nude photographs of any women in the news, be it celebrity, athlete, tennis player or criminal. The bonus for them is the public humiliation of criminals and anyone they have taken a dislike to.

if this is you then just stop it. You don’t know anything about science or medicine, and your opinions are odious shit. This is hurtful to people who might be around you, but won’t share their experience with you because you are ignorant, odious and ignorant. They are just trying to get on with their lives but have to tolerate your shite.

We sincerely hope that the Country Squire magazine did not pay money for this pile of ignorance. We really do believe that your readers do deserve better, from people who know what they are writing about.

Sex education for wing nuts

For Horgan and any other people who spent their school days chewing crayons rather than paying attention in school here are a few scientific facts about gender. I will try to avoid big words.

Women can have a range of sex chromosome configurations and still satisfy their criteria of having a vagina, develop breasts and give birth to children. There is a whole other topic of women who don’t fit this reductive definition such as women who have fertility problems. Not every woman develops breasts that would satisfy their misogynistic definition of breasts. Sorry boys, not every woman looks like your sad fantasy of what a woman should look like.

XY women

Wait! What? In 1955 Gerald Swyer, an eminent consultant endocrinologist, published a report about male pseudohermaphroditism in which he detailed two women with an XY karyotype. These two ladies had normal female external genitalia, although one of the patients had an enlarged clitoris, but a normal vagina. Swyer syndrome people tend to lack significant ovaries or testes, however as the uterus is normal they can, and have, become pregnant using IVF. As many XX women require fertility treatment to become pregnant, this does not make XY women any less female.

Women have oestrogen and men have testosterone

Nope. Biology isn’t that simple. Unfortunately many sporting bodies have struggled with the idea that women also have testosterone. It’s a fact of biochemistry. Testosterone is the precursor for the synthesis of oestrogen. If you are unaware of this then you shouldn’t be barfing out your opinions.

This is nothing to do with trans women. This is basic biology. Women can have a range of natural testosterone levels. From a position of ignorance, or under pressure from ignorant people, some sporting bodies have tried to define normal testosterone levels for women. This seems to be driven by some vague Aryan fantasy about what a woman is and has nothing to do with reality.

Biology is rarely pure and never simple

Sex and gender are not as simple as people who like to share memes about it like to pretend it is. They are to be pitied. Anyone who wants to know more about the range of human gender can find useful information from the sites below.

Disorders of Sexual Development

Differences in sex development

Overview of Sex Chromosome Abnormalities

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