Ncuti Gatwa as Doctor Who, a black man with a red jacket against a space background

Dr Who – a bigot’s smorgasbord

Bigots who don’t actually watch the science fiction TV series but like to be angry are struggling to work out what they are most annoyed about. The fact that the latest incarnation of the Time Lord is black or that he is gay.

Everybody’s favourite Time Lord has undergone another regeneration. This time he is black and gay. The portrayal of The Doctor by Ncuti Gatwa has sent bigots into a frenzy.

They have heard about the new incarnation on social media as they don’t actually watch it. The plots are too complicated for them and require an attention span beyond their capacity.

One commented that, “it was bad enough that The Doctor had a vagina for a couple of series, but this is taking things too far”. Another had an apoplectic fit and posted on the open sewer formerly known as Twitter, “this is what happens when society loses its way and people express themselves how they want. Some will decide to be black”.

A bloke took time off from yelling at traffic lights to foam, “If children see gay characters not having abuse hurled at them they might become gay. That is why having gay people on TV is the work of the devil. I’m also annoyed he is black, but I can’t decide which I’m most annoyed about”.

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