Sam Badance is a successful professional with a happy home life, but is not happy at work. People are plaguing him with intimate details of health problems. He would like some happy interactions for a change. Excruciata offers advice.
Kylie has a secret that she daren’t share with any of her friends. She is certain they won’t understand what’s happening to her. A recent visit to the doctor didn’t reveal anything physically wrong with her, but she knows something is terribly wrong. She has turned to one of our advisors for help. Things must be grim.
After 12 years of marriage Harry and Kasha Carey had settled into a comfortable routine, at least that was what Harry thought. They had a sort of tradition about the presents that they would buy each other. Some of them were ironic. This year Kasha seemed to have completely forgotten, or couldn’t be bothered to remember. Excruciata Reees-Mog offers advice. Ouch!