Nigel Farage. Gammon faced boomer pretending to be a farmer by wearing a light brown flat cap and a Barbour jacket.

Farage’s conscience goes to whoever has lots of money

Suddenly Farage has an interest in changing UK abortion law. He didn’t care before but now he is ingratiating himself with Trump and teaming up with a far-right anti-abortion group.

He has never had an anti-abortion stance before. In 2013 when a UKIP member was advocating abortion of foetuses with Down’s he didn’t mention being anti-abortion then. In 2019, as leader of the Brexit Party, Farage said the party did not have a position on abortion and refused to condemn Ann Widdecombe for her pro-life views.

In the lead up to the 2024 general election Farage published the Reform Party UK Ltd manifesto. There was no mention of any changes to abortion law then. For most of his political career Farage has had no opinion or interest on the topic of abortion. In fact he has seemed wary of anyone with strong opinions on the matter.

The topic of abortion was certainly not on the list of issues that the good people of Clacton were interested in during the run up to the General Election. His sudden interest in abortion has nothing to do with his constituents.

All that changed in November when the first signs that he had snuggled up to the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) was when he was quoted in a post on their website. It was the usual vague guff about people being silenced (presumably he is on about rioters and arsonists attacking police, hotels and libraries who are being imprisoned) and information being withheld – no idea what he’s on about there. Usually it is all about people not giving him the attention he feels entitled to.

Soon after that, after many years of indifference, he suddenly comes out with “Is 24 weeks right for abortion given that we now save babies at 22?”. He went on to say, “That to me would be worthy of a debate in Parliament…”.

Of course to do that he would have to actually attend Parliament, draft a private members bill and get selected to present it. This of course gives ample opportunity for him to cry about being ignored as nobody is going to do the donkey work for him. He would have to put some effort in to write it. The other stumbling block would be to drum support in the corridors of parliament if he can remember where they are. Most of the other members have been busy so they might not have much time or inclination for somebody who just treats being an MP as an opportunity for personal grandstanding.

Should he get over all those hurdles there is the small matter of his bill getting selected for a reading. A large number of private members are submitted in each session. Most of these from members who have campaigned and worked on them for many years, spending a lot of time working through relevant committees and building up support. Then there’s Farage who has been interested a few weeks because his new chums are obsessed with controlling women.

Who are Alliance Defending Freedom?

The ADF is a far-right Christian Fundamentalist group who carry out advocacy and training aimed at eliminating various rights. They are a hate group that is fixated on attacking abortion, gay and trans people. They have substantial funds at their disposal to support people and groups whose interests align with theirs.

Who is he representing?

Apart from a fringe group of Christian Fundamentalists, nobody in the UK is interested in changing the abortion law. The people of Clacton aren’t calling for change. There is no groundswell of.activity in parliament, although going by his voting record he is rarely there. There is no record of him being there since the 23rd July 2024.

He briefly flirted with being a Farmer’s Friend at a protest last month, but as they weren’t interested in having him flapping his lips on their platform he has lost interest.

It looks likely that he now represents of the far-right ADF. While the ADF like to fund and support their friends, there is no current evidence that Farage is being paid by them in his registration of interests. If he doesn’t get paid somehow he would be the first of their stooges working for free. Expect creative accounting as they like to keep their tracks covered.

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Karsic Karl

From Bristol I have a particular interest in gaming, pizza and energy drinks. Keeping up to date with technology and the dystopian invasion of the internet of things and subscriotion based basic services.

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