The couple ran out of things to talk about so they decided it would be fun to find out about their past. – but when they uncovered a very dark secret it had disastrous results for their relationship. Will their relationship survive the revelation?
The couple, Anna Glipta and Guy Strapps, had been together for about six years when they suddenly found they had nothing to talk about. They had vowed not to talk about their jobs, which wasn’t surprising, had watched everything on Netflix and Amazon, and played every game on their PS5.
During the summer Anna saw an article about people doing DNA tests and finding where their ancestors were from and sometimes finding surprising genetic relationships. She and Guy talked about it and then sent off for the kits and returned the samples.
Guy recalls, “While we were waiting for the results we speculated on what possible surprises there could be. Did one of us carry a ginger gene? Was one of us related to a murderer? Were we actually closely related? We’d heard stories of people finding out they were brother and sister who had been separated by fostering”.
Anna looked down at her clenched hands and with a wavering voice said “We thought we had considered everything. We never thought we’d get the result we did”. She looked at Guy with sadness and a tear in her eye. He looked shell-shocked.
When the results arrived they read through the usual stuff for each of them. What percentage Scandinavian, what percentage Irish etc. It was the specialist gene section that held the surprise. Guy had the Bastard gene. This has a very high linkage with people holding right wing attitudes. Anna is rethinking their relationship.
So far Guy had been kind, thoughtful and considerate. But could something trigger the characteristics that the gene could bring out? Could she share her life with someone who might turn into a homphobe a racist or just mean and small minded? They have looked into genetic counseling but aren’t optimistic. She had envisioned having children but now there was a risk that this gene could be passed on this seemed unlikely. Their life plans are in turmoil now.
Photo by Mikhail Nilov: