Law makers in Kentucky are trying to introduce a bill to make it legal for landowners to use force, including deadly force to remove homeless people from their land. But if they leave their bodies at the side of the road that might be littering.
The statistics indicate they just hate poor people.
It does take time and effort to help homeless people who can have multiple and complex problems. The logic of just shooting them must see obvious to sociopathic law makers.
The bill called the “Safer Kentucky Act” (HB5) is targeted at the homeless, drug users and the mentally ill. The sanctions it proposes include severe penalties affecting these groups. This was introduced last week by Republican state representative Jared Bauman. It currently has 52 sponsors in Kentucky’s House of Representatives.
The bill would increase involuntary commitment of people with mental illness; criminalize people who possess even small amounts of fentanyl.
“This is teeing up vigilantism against people experiencing homelessness”
Eric Tars, the senior policy director at the nonprofit National Homelessness Law Center, has commented that “This is teeing up vigilantism against people experiencing homelessness on a scale that we’ve never seen before”.
In a perverse twist that Republicans like to add to bills like this, it also bans bail payments over $5000 by charitable organizations.
So not only punching down on the most disadvantaged people, but also stopping people from helping them.
Organisation who have taken the effort to help and try to understand more about the homeless in Kentucky have discovered interesting information about the people that Kentucky law makers are happy to have shot by land owners.
They just hate poor people
The North Kentucky Homelessness Work Group found in 2018-19 there were at least 1530 homeless with 77% being over 18. 44% were adult men while 168 were boys. Veterans made up 3% of the homeless they dealt with. On ethnicity, 72% were white, 24% black and 4% as other.
So from the statistics this isn’t covert persecution of black people. They just hate poor people.