What the blue blazes! Hacking gone mad

Excruciata Reees-Mog gets annoyed about ridiculous advice and hacking.

Hello my lovelies. I am going to be honest with you. My temples are throbbing and I am grinding my teeth at the moment. I am not at my best as I dictate this to my assistant. I am not a reader of The Guardian, and my dislike of it has been confirmed today.

As I was supervising the groundsman fetching out the croquet set and giving it a clean, Annabelle and Jocinda popped round and they were howling with laughter. Annabelle’s daughter had sent her an article from The Guardian about a beauty ‘hack’. Not sure how you send a newspaper on a telephone, but I digress.

Now I was very confused because as every educated woman knows, a hack is a pleasant ride out on a horse with a few friends. After my initial confusion of putting on a gown and a bit of slap to go riding, they explained that the word is sometimes used to describe a ‘fix’ suggested by an ‘expert’.

The amazing ‘fix’ that a beauty ‘expert’ in The Guardian was offering was; if you forget to use deodorant on your armpits, wash them.

In what world could washing your armpits be considered a hack?

No woman of any class would forget to clean herself, and certainly would not talk about it in public. They certainly would not put it in the newspaper for every body to read. Could you imagine the late Queen waxing lyrical about how she sometimes forgets to use her deodorant and resorts to washing her armpits?

The Guardian really is the newspaper of the grubby masses.

Photo by Cliff Booth: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-woman-axillary-hair-with-daisies-6591481/

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Excruciata Reees-Mog

A sophisticated woman from a prominent family living her best life when she can get the staff to look after her house and grounds. With all her travel she has a very large carbon footprint. She is working on it and hopes to double it in 2024. Has a brother she calls Jakey

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