Excruciata Reees-Mog catches up with the latest celebrity news. Gwyneth Paltrow is recovering nicely following her aura transplant procedure.
Hello my lovelies. My ex assistant has just sent me this celebrity gossip scoop.
Having turned 50 Gwyneth Paltrow had noticed that her aura was lacking its former sparkle and fizz. She reached out to spiritual mystic Prahka Lasa who had been having great success transferring auras. “The hardest part is finding the right donor. The person with the aura that best matches what the recipient had many years ago”.
The procedure was carried out at Prahka Lasa’s Manhattan penthouse apartment at the weekend.
Gwyneth herself helped with the final selection using her finely tuned psychic spatula. After that it was a simple process of transferring the auras into Spirit Bowls and quickly swapping them so the auras returned to the other person.
Gwyneth reported that she felt quite drained afterwards but hopes to be back to full strength soon.
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